Survey Solutions


Test & Validate

Have a research question?
Let us help you test your ideas for any market feasibility or pilot studies for your projects. Our experts will support clients to design, test and validate their research questions.

Data Collection

We employ highly experienced interviewers who speak the local language trained and ready to be deployed in both quantitative and qualitative methodologies.

Survey Implementation

We use our expertise to support clients to design, sample, test and validate their research questions whether it is for exploratory research or full-scale baseline, midline and end-line evaluations, our team of experts will guide the research process for both qualitative and quantitative research.


We sift through data sets to discover, interpret, and share new insights and knowledge through generating visual dashboards (graphs, charts, and summary statistics) for our clients.

Electronic programming

We program using Survey-CTO and Kobo collect, which builds on Open Data Kit (ODK) open-source platform to help collect high-quality data using Android phones, tablets, or the web. So that data will be available in real-time for our clients to track the survey progress.

Strategic Review

We will support your organization in assessing programmatic performance through a one-on-one review of objectives and goals to thoroughly identify areas for programmatic improvement.