Survey Solutions


Node Survey Solutions is a survey company based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia that provides data collection services to academic researchers, non-profits, and private sector institutions. We aim to deliver quality data to our clients by providing support from the initiation of research design to data collection. We offer a team to work alongside our clients in implementing their research questions. Our team includes highly skilled individuals with a combined experience of above 10 years’ experiences in implementing research projects for both the public and private sectors and have worked with a diverse set of clients.


Our Team



Nolawi Taddesse

An international development professional with 10 years of experience working with diverse clients. Amongst the many organizations, some include; The World Bank, The London School of Economics and Political Science, Innovations for Poverty Action, PricewaterhouseCoopers Associates, and the United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS). He is currently the founder of Node Survey Solutions. Nolawi is skilled in working collaboratively with key partners to facilitate complex project implementation and capacity building. Nolawi is well-practiced in contributing to research and evaluation implementation, grant proposals, and communicating technical advice. He possesses key skills needed for leading evaluations, including data collection design, data management, and M&E capacity building in both quantitative and qualitative protocol design. Nolawi received his Master’s in Epidemiology from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan USA.



Belay Mulat

An expert evaluation professional with over 12 years of experience working in rural and urban contexts. He has worked with a diverse set of clients, including UN agencies, the World Bank Group, Johns Hopkins University, USAID, University of East Anglia, NGOs, private and government research institutions- Ethiopian Development Research Institute (EDRI- Currently Policy Studies Institute), International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), World Resources Institute (WRI), GIZ, Brooking Institute, LINC/IRC WASH, among others. He is also experienced in program design, management, and monitoring and evaluation.

Belay’s field experiences span the areas of climate change, nutrition, agriculture, WASH, food security, and education. Belay has coordinated large-scale research projects, including the Agricultural Growth Program (mid and end-line evaluations), PSNP Impact evaluations, DANIDA, EU-RESET, CRGE (Implementation of Strategy Monitoring and Evaluation System), FLR, PARI (Agricultural Innovation), and Competitiveness and Job Creation. Through managing these projects, Belay has been involved in developing proposals, writing inception reports, providing training for field supervisors and enumerators, data analysis, and report writing.

Belay is skilled in basic STATA, Survey CTO, CSpRo, and GIS applications. Belay has a Master’s in Developmental Economics and Population studies.


Data Programmer and Manager

Ayenew Legesse Teferra

Ayenew is a senior programmer with over 18 years of experience in data processing and computer programming surveys and censuses for various sectors.

He has worked as a senior computer programmer, data manager, and data processing consultant in government, private consulting firms, and international development organizations. In addition, he has developed computer-assisted personal interviews (CAPI) applications for Android and Windows platforms and provided data quality assistance and data processing for several National surveys conducted in Ethiopia, Rwanda, Tanzania, and India. In addition, he has worked as a data management consultant for The 50x2030 Data Smart agriculture initiative of the World Bank.

Ayenew earned a BSc Degree in Mathematics from Addis Ababa University and an MSc Degree in Economics from Tokyo International University, Japan.