Survey Solutions

Select Projects

Mastercard Foundation

Node, in partnership with Tripeline Consulting LLC, is the Impact Partner Organization (IPO) for the Mastercards’ Young Africa Works program in Ethiopia. The project focuses on creating opportunities for youth in Ethiopia and to enable 10 million young people to access dignified and fulfilling work by 2030. The IPO generates data in relation to the existing state of intended outcomes and impact on a continuous basis through baselines, strategic reviews, and partner monitoring initiatives to measure progress toward system change (at the strategic and intermediate outcome levels).

New York University Abu-Dhabi

Node launched The Hawassa Industrial Park Community Impact Evaluation survey studying the impact of employment on the economic, physical, health, and social well-being of women employees in the industrial park and the broader impact on the largely rural agricultural communities from which these workers are recruited from. The data was collected in the SNNPR Region, Gamo Gofa Zone in two woredas, Kebmaba and Dita woredas, on 120 households with 360 respondents. 

University of East Anglia

Node managed the qualitative and quantitative study titled "Promoting the adoption among Ethiopian farmers of new varieties of grass pea: drought tolerant and safe for human consumption" on a sample of 500 households in the Amhara and Oromia regions where grass peas are farmed to understand The current relative importance of grass pea for Ethiopian farmers, how farmers perceive grass pea and how they perceive the new varieties, the grass pea seed system, How information about grass pea reaches the farmers and the (potential) grass pea value chain.

University of California, Berkeley

Node is currently managing the data collection on a sample of former and new employees with the University of California, Berkley, on a study titled "Available outside options for workers "from Hawassa Industrial Park (H.I.P.) to understand the policy implications for retaining factory workers. 

Washington State University

Node has managed the data collection and management for Washington State University on a study titled "Understanding business performance and constraints in Addis Ababa.” The study engaged with 1,081 Micro, Small, Medium, Enterprises in over 6 sub cities and 12 highly concentrated markets across Addis Ababa. 

G.I.Z. Ethiopia and Ethiopian Investment Commission (E.I.C.)

Node currently collaborates with the Ethiopian Investment Commission (E.I.C.) and G.I.Z. Sustainable Industrial Clusters (S.I.C.) conducted a study on understanding worker turnover in industrial parks to allow for evidence-based policy marking. The study focused on researching the reasons behind turnover and its implications for workers in Hawassa Industrial Park. The study looked at workers' skills, social capital, risk averting, aspiration, self-efficacy, entrepreneurship, psychological condition, earrings, retention, and promotion strategies. Data was collected on 1,400 workers in face-to-face interviews. 

Hume AI

Node managed the recruitment and data collection on a study titled "imitation of Facial Expression" on 800 participants in Ethiopia. This research study aims to collect information about the emotions perceived in different facial expressions from different cultures. The data collected in this study will contribute to understanding human emotion. The data will also help researchers and companies develop technologies such as socially aware digital assistants.